[Dissertation defence] 05/02/2024, Jean-Pierre DELHOMMEL: "Heritage labels and the illusion of Pornic, a seaside town in Loire-Atlantique".

Research news 29 January 2024

Title of thesis

Heritage labels and illusion Pornic, a seaside resort in Loire-Atlantique

Date and place

Oral defense scheduled on Monday 05 February 2024 at 1.30pm
Venue: Avignon University Campus Hannah Arendt (city centre) 84 000 AVIGNON
Thesis room






  • Mr Philippe BACHIMON

Composition of the jury

  • Philippe BACHIMON University of Avignon Thesis co-supervisor
  • Pierre DéRIOZ University of Avignon Thesis co-supervisor
  • Mr Vincent VLèS Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès Rapporteur
  • Ms Sylvie CHRISTOFLE Université de la Côte d'Azur Rapporteur
  • Ms Sylvie CLARIMONT Université de Pau et pays de l'Adour Examiner
  • Ms Emeline HATT AMU Examiner
  • Ms Anne ROLLET AMU Examiner

Summary of the thesis

Town councillors are particularly fond of honouring their towns with labels of all kinds. This almost playful activity is not as harmless as it seems. Particularly in the coveted coastal areas where people migrate for pleasure, the construction of a grand heritage narrative justifies the exception and "legitimises" a policy of selection, or even expulsion. The abundance of labels also diverts attention, helping to erase negative perceptions. From now on, gentrification will become tourist gentrification, since this concept has been emptied of its original meaning, that of violence at work, and this process creates a museum city that only has the appearance of conviviality.

Keywords Labels, Heritage, Identification

Mots clés associés
thesis defence