UPR 3788 -JPEG - Legal, Political, Economic and Management Sciences Laboratory

Legal, Political, Economic and Management Sciences Laboratory


The Laboratoire des sciences Juridiques, Politique, Économiques et de Gestion (-JPEG, formerly LBNC) is a multi-disciplinary research unit that brings together lawyers, political scientists, economists and managers to work on unifying research projects.

It is structured around 3 research themes:

  •     Labour - Employment

This theme is based on a twofold tradition: a long-standing and well-established expertise in employment law and the specialisation of economists (Social and Solidarity Economy) in the issue of integration through economic activity.

  •     Voting and democracy

This theme brings together work (political, legal and economic) on different dimensions of voting and democratic expression (social democracy and corporate democracy, local democracy and electoral behaviour, international law, etc.), each of which mobilises all the disciplines of the laboratory.

These two themes are now complemented by a third theme Digital societies which more recently makes the team part of one of the identity axes of Avignon University.


Christèle Lagier - Senior lecturer in political science

Deputy management
François Fulconis - University Professor of Management Sciences

Courses offered


The -JPEG is now home to two masters programmes focusing on the institution's scientific priorities ( Data governance and Law & Digital) in addition to the Law existing (2 courses Legal professions and M1 Notarial law) and Social Policy which have developed a range of courses closely linked to local professional networks. The -JPEG is also associated with the master Management and International Trade. These are both professional and research masters, the Data governance which opened for apprenticeships at the start of the 2020 academic year and is part of a Joint Master EMILDAI which will open at the start of the 2023 academic year.

The -JPEG is also a member of the CNRS 3621 Research Federation. Agor@nTIC and the federative research structure TERSYS.

Research activities

The -JPEG has strongly repositioned its work around the theme of Digital societies.

In rightThis section focuses on digital law, including data law (personal data, public data), digital criminal law, intellectual property law applied to the digital environment, the protection of fundamental rights in the digital environment, the digital transformation of the State and the platformisation of work.

In Economics and managementThe LBNC is developing its research in the field of information systems management. The work recently developed is linked to the digital transformation of companies and organisations, digital management, digital marketing, digital commerce, etc. The consequences of the digital boom on the transformation of companies, the improvement of their functioning, the apprehension and understanding of their environment (economic, social/societal, environmental) and their markets are at the heart of the concerns of the laboratory's researchers.

As for the political science The researchers' work focuses on the digital transformation of political, public and private practices and organisations, data governance, transparency of public action, e-democracy and the political web (Opinion bubble).

For access to publications by researchers and news from -JPEG, you can consult the laboratory's HAL page: https://univ-avignon.hal.science/JPEG


Examples of collaborations:

  • Links with the legal and judicial professions
  • Actions towards social action departments and association networks
  • Link with GD Master partners: Dpo consulting, Data activist

Further information

Skills and know-how

  • Analysis of legal texts (law, jurisprudence, etc.).
  • Field surveys.
  • Database processing
  • Writing of synthetic research reports.
  • Constructive use of survey results.


Research and documentation room housing a documentary collection, attached to the Maurice Agulhon University Library.


Hannah Arendt Campus, Sainte Marthe site
North building - 2w48
74 rue Louis Pasteur, 84000 Avignon

+33 (0)4 90 16 25 26



Digital societies / Contracts / Europe / Regional integration / Standards / Social economy / Social action / Labour / Voting