Start of the academic year for students enrolled for the first time in LLCER, LEA, Humanités, Lettres
L1 students are expected from 8am.
New students enrolled for the first time at Avignon University, from L2 to Doctorate, are expected from 12 noon.
8h - Breakfast reception
rdv at the Pôle sportif climbing gym, on the Hannah Arendt campus
then back-to-school meeting and meeting with the teaching teams
12 noon to 1.30 p.m.
Picnic in the university gardens
1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Orienteering: discover the university and its services
Meetings and events organised by student associations (games, sports tournaments, associative and musical activities, etc.)
L1 students are expected from 8am.
New students enrolled for the first time at Avignon University, from L2 to Doctorate, are expected from 12 noon.