Grants and accommodation

Bstudent social security (DSE)

The student social file (DSE) is the single procedure for applying for grants and/or accommodation in halls of residence or university halls of residence.

Students are eligible for a grant subject to certain conditions relating to nationality, income, age, the number of dependent children of the parents and the distance between home and the place of study.
To do this, you need to enter your application for a grant and/or accommodation on the dedicated portal between 15 January and 31 May.
You will receive confirmation of your application and follow-up by e-mail.
It is important to provide a valid e-mail address and to check your e-mail regularly.


Scholarships and attendance

As a grant holder in higher education, you have rights but also duties. This status entitles you to exemption from university tuition fees and the CVEC, but attendance is compulsory.
fundamental, whether in compulsory courses, tutorials and internships or in examinations.
Failure to comply with the attendance requirement and absence from examinations will systematically lead to suspension of grant payments and reimbursement of sums already paid.
If you are absent from work, you must provide your supervisor with proof so that you will not be considered as a non-attender.

Grants and student jobs

Students on a grant are entitled to work during their studies to supplement their income. From a certain
number of hours worked per week, it is necessary to apply for a special study scheme (RSE) from the
Direction des études et de la scolarité.

Social service of the crous

The mission of the Crous social services department is to help students make the most of their studies and learn to live independently in the best possible conditions.
Social workers are bound by professional secrecy. They are responsible for dealing with all the social problems (economic, family, health, guidance) that students may encounter and receive students by appointment only.

Two types of specific assistance may be available to help you cope with financial difficulties:
- one-off assistance
- annual allowances

  • Hannah Arendt Campus - open Monday to Friday, 9am to 12.30pm, by appointment only
  • Jean-Henri Fabre Campus - open on Thursdays from 9am to 12.30pm (office C048, CERI, Espace sanitaire et social)

Making an appointment

Make an appointment with CROUS" section

Psychological support

CROUS and University psychologists will support you throughout your studies.

Consultations are by telephone or in person:
>> Make appointments online with psychologists via the portal :
Make an appointment with CROUS" section

Accommodation with CROUS

Any student regularly enrolled in a higher education institution can benefit from a
Crous accommodation. Priority for housing is given to students with grants, but
they are open to non-bursary holders, subject to availability.

>> Discover the CROUS residences in Avignon