Cultural programme - July 2023

This July, Avignon Université is offering a programme of artistic events based around the promotion of student theatre, including a performance by the winning company in the CNOUS national student theatre competition, and the links between the arts and sciences, with the company les sens de mots presenting its pairings as it does every year. This festival period is also an opportunity to showcase the links with our local partners, which is why we are hosting a performance of Not I by Camille Mutel, programmed by the théâtre du train bleu.

Last but not least, the University is also a meeting place for cultural exchanges. Several seminars and professional meetings will be held here during the festival (AMCSTI, FNADAC, ANRAT...). Find out more about the programme below.

Mapping a night

Cie La nuit sera feu

12 and 13 July 6pm - AT01 Campus Hannah Arendt

Duration 55mn

Direction and dramaturgy: Léna Osseyran
Acting and co-writing: Camille Dionnet and Anna Lê Quang Soulié
Musical conception and performance: Mila Genevois

Like the black horses of History, galloping at breakneck speed, their manes ablaze, I'll arrive at the finish line emaciated, where I'll collapse before the world. I want to make an example of my body, so that it becomes impossible to ignore it anywhere in the world. I want to write a poem that will be a house. I want to write verses to live in, where you can breathe a little, take shelter when the wind is strong and the storm rages. If my paper house takes on water, I'll support it with my tongue, with my arms, with branches, I'll invent roots for it.

The Crous network organises a national theatre competition, open to all students whatever their course of study, to promote student creative work. The winning company wins a unique experience: participation in the Avignon Festival. This year, the Crous d'Aix Marseille Avignon and the Université d'Avignon are hosting the company La Nuit Sera Feu, for two performances of the show Mapping a Night. National winner of the student competition, this young company from Caen is well worth discovering!

Free admission

Binomials, the poet and the scientist

Cie Les sens des mots
From 17 to 21 July 17:30 - Parc du campus Hannah Arendt

Arts/science shows based on encounters between playwrights and science researchers.
Working in pairs, the researcher becomes the object of study for a playwright who writes a play freely inspired by their encounter. The result is sensitive, often funny, and offers us an unusual look at science and the people who make it happen. The company les sens des mots has been developing this collection of shows since 2010, and there are now 56 pairs.

Programme :

► Monday 17 July: Baptiste Amann's binomial 1 [Urbanism - Planning] based on his meeting with Marie-Christine Jaillet (GIP EPAU - POPSU)

► Tuesday 18 July: binôme 2 [Sociology] by Nicolas Girard-Michelotti based on his meeting with Olivier Fournout ( Télécom Paris, La chaire arts & sciences de l'École polytechnique, Wavestone, lP-Paris, ENS Paris-Saclay )

► Wednesday 19 July: binôme 3 [Open science and social psychology] by Catherine Benahmou based on her meeting with Dan Priolo (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3)

► Thursday 20 July: Reprise binôme: La Zircondition Humaine [Nucléaire] by Ariane Von Berendt based on her meeting with Valérie Vandenberghe (CEA)

► Friday 21 July: Pauline Ribat's group 4 [Fundamental Mathematics] based on her meeting with Jasmin Raissy (Insmi - CNRS)

In the presence of the authors and researchers

Free admission by reservation at link or call 07 83 59 42 66


conception, choreography and dance Camille MUTEL - Cie Li(luo
From 7 to 20 July at 9.15am - breaks on 8, 9 & 14 - Cloister of the Hannah Arendt campus

Duration 50min 

Not I is the first part of the quadrilogy entitled The Place of the OtherThis is an intimate solo, with radical minimalism and diffuse poetry. It follows the steps of a Japanese tea ceremony, moved to the here and now.

Camille Mutel offers us the privilege of looking at her vulnerability with confidence, in sequences punctuated by variations in light and the occasional sharp sound. To tame us, she sets up her ritual, the space conducive to the gift she is giving us, a gentle encounter. She sets up her workbench with precision and without haste: a vice, a plank of wood. She discovers the objects, plays with the knife, explores its possibilities. She removes the leaves, prepares an onion from the basket, adds a tablecloth, picks fresh fish. Serves a glass of red wine.

Everyday gestures are shifted, broken down; movements are slow. Silent movements, the sound of the wind in the pines. The body melts into the stage, which soon becomes a plastic composition, a still life of today - it gives way to what has been the focus of interest and attention from the start: the object, the other. The sensitive experience of the gesture of offering, of sharing.

Tickets at the théâtre du train bleu