[Distinction] Mursal Dawodi, winner of a special prize from the L'Oréal Foundation - UNESCO

Congratulations to Mursal Dawodi for his special prize received during the ceremony of the 25ᵉ edition of the Prix de la L'Oréal - UNESCO Foundation "For Women in Science".The award recognises the achievements of women researchers in exile and their work in the exact sciences.

Mursal Dawodi was the winner of the National emergency reception programme for scientists and artists in exile (PAUSE) which enabled her to join the Avignon University Computer Science Laboratory (LIA).

Mursal Dawodi has a PhD in Intelligent Systems Engineering. Her research focuses on the automatic processing of natural language using machine learning and data analysis techniques.

We wish him all the best for the future.

>> Watch the video

>> Read the L'Oreal article

>> Read the UNESCO article

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